Friday, August 17, 2012

33 Weeks


The weeks just keep going by. I am definitely not ready for this little lady to come yet. So hopefully she will take her time. Now come week 39 and 40 I will probably regret saying that. Last week I had a doctors appointment (I now go in every two weeks). Things still look good, I've gained about 26 pounds now. I measured at 33cm, at that point I was about 32 and half weeks. So I am no longer measuring two weeks bigger. Yay! I was hoping the growing was going to slow down. The baby's heart rate was about 130 so still within the acceptable range but on the lower side. Micah's heart rate was also on the lower end.

I am starting to get more Braxton Hicks contractions some more uncomfortable then others. She also seems to be pushing down more. We are getting closer. But again so not ready for her to be here. I'm not ready emotionally, physically, or even practically. I still have a number for baby things to get ready and a few other to-dos I want to get done before she is here. I'm also not ready with Micah, there are still aspects of his behavior I want to improve before she arrives, knowing his behavior will likely regress a bit once she is here. I'm also not ready to divide my time with him. And I'm just plain not ready for two kids. But I trust God's timing for when she does arrive. So even if I don't have everything on my list checked off it will be okay and everything will work out.

Comparison pictures: Micah 32 weeks, now 33 weeks and Micah 34 weeks.

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