Monday, July 23, 2012

Tree Down

About a month ago we spent the weekend at my parents house. We were there to visit and for The farmer to cut down an overbearing maple tree. He started working on it Friday afternoon and finished that evening with the help of my Dad and Greg. It made quite an impression on Micah. When he and I were at my parents a week ago he talked about it at least once day. It still comes up from time to time. Though Micah talks about it in one word thoughts. It usually starts out with "tree", "Papa high", we fill in the story as he says the words, so we say "yes Papa was high in the tree". Then Micah says "saw", quickly followed by "loud" as he covers his ears. We finish the story by saying the tree went crash. I wonder how long this will stay in his memory and what the next event will be that will take its place.

 It's down. :)

 This is how Micah watched. He really does not like loud noises.

And just because I'm ending this post with a cute picture of my boy.


  1. We also cut a tree down about 2 months ago and Levi still talks about it. It's a pretty big deal in their world!

  2. It is always interesting and amazing to see what makes a lasting impression on a toddler. It is fun to hear him again and again reference that event. Such a smart boy! And, I love him to pieces.
