Friday, April 27, 2012


We got this toy from Aunt Stephanie's work, they were no longer using it. C had a great idea of getting out popcorn kernels to use with it. Micah enjoyed it quite a bit. What was interesting is he didn't smile and laugh much when playing with it. But he was very intrigued by it and we played for quite some time (in toddler time).

He was learning concepts like open/close, stop/start, patience in waiting for the kernels to be all collected and I'm sure other things I'm not aware of. Thanks Aunt Stephanie for a fun toy!

Monday, April 23, 2012


As of today I feel like I can officially be called an orchardess. Before today my involvement with our orchard has primarily been taking pictures. But this afternoon I helped The Farmer mark out where he will be drilling holes for the trees we have here (about half of what we are planting this year). He was able to get started on punches the holes today which is really good because the trees REALLY need to get in the ground.

Lessons learned today:
Jeans are hot

Allergies are no fun and especially no fun when pregnant

SPF 15 is not enough on skin that has not seen the light of day in at least six months

And now we must observe a moment of silence to three tress lost to the hands, I mean mouths of gophers. Micah did enjoy playing with the poor tree, notice the lack of roots. (Shaking my fist at the gophers). But all in all three isn't that bad. Plus The Farmer has gotten back at those gophers. Hehe.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Broken lens

Last week I had the first major expensive item that Micah broke on accident. I wasn't mad at him but I was upset. It was our 50mm lens for our camera. It is my favorite lens and it takes amazing pictures. I think the hardest part was knowing we don't have the money to replace it. It was certainly a good lessons to have to deal with a child breaking something and not getting mad at them. It wasn't his fault and those sort of things happen with kids. But I was sad.

Later that day I was working on the lens seeing if I could get it back together. Well wouldn't you know I got it back together! I thanked God for getting it back together and smiled. I found out a lens can still function without a few little pieces. Take a look at the little pieces in the picture above, there are a couple of these missing and it still works just fine.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 16

I'm 16 weeks along now. Still don't feel that pregnant. Things have been going well. During the first trimester I was experiencing some nausea, which was different because I didn't really have any with Micah. Some might take that to mean we're having a girl, but I'm not sure. We will find out May 8th. This is about the time that I felt Micah move. But I haven't felt this baby move yet I think it is more due to the fact that I forget to pay attention to any flutters.

It is fun to see the belly growing more. I've gained about seven pounds so far, which puts me about the same amount as will Micah at this point. Over all I have been feeling really well, no more nausea and most of my energy back. Just got to make sure I get enough sleep if that is ever possible.

For fun here is a side by side comparison. On the left is Micah at 17 weeks and the right is now at 16 weeks.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Since it is almost a week past Easter I figure now is a good time to get an Easter post up. Our Easter was wonderful this year. We have been apart of a new church starting here in the valley and Easter was our first Sunday meeting. The Lord has definitely had His hand in this church and our first Sunday meeting. Everything went really well!! The services are at a local elementary school so there is a lot of set involved. After the service we had treats and coffee and most families stayed around to talk for a while. Micah had so much fun running around with the "big kids". He is certainly most interested in kids a few years older then kids around his age.

Later that day we had dinner with family and a couple families from church. It was a lovely evening. We enjoyed our entire day celebrating our risen Lord with friends and family.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

La Grande

A couple weekends ago we drove out to La Grande to visit The Farmer's brother and his family. They used to live in the area and we miss having them around. Micah missed playing with his cousins Abby and Emma and I think they missed him. The last time I had driven that far east was in college. I was so surprised at the number of wind turbines that are up now. We had a great time in La Grande and it definitely reminded us of Bend's climate, dry, cold and sunny.

And seriously when did these girls get so old!

I know the focus is off on this one but I had to put it in. Micah is seeing their 4-wheeler take off. He is definitely a boy.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Call Me Fafa

Micah as been calling The Farmer Papa for quite awhile. But he hasn't been calling me Mama. A few weeks ago he started saying Fafa. Since it was so similar to Papa I figured it was just him exploring more sounds and being silly. But we started to notice that he was saying it more when I would leave the room. We have now learned that Fafa is what he calls me. Haha. I mean it is great he has a name for me but Fafa. Oh my goodness funny. I know it will change to Mama once he is better able to pronounce constants. So for now I get to laugh and enjoy him calling me Fafa.

Also noticed I need to get more pictures of Micah and myself. I was trying to find a picture for this post because I have this thing of always wanting a picture to go along with a post. But there were no recent pictures of Micah and me that would work. I must get more of The Farmer and Micah too.