Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Vacation

This year we traveled for Christmas, a first for us (other then going to visit family). It certainly was different not being at home for Christmas, but we had a great time in Palm Springs. We got to enjoy around 70 degree weather, which is not all that warm but when you are coming from the 30's it feels like a heat wave.

Of course we took a lot of pictures and of course it is impossible to only put up a few. So I smashed together a number of them to show at a glance what we did.

This was Micah's first flight. It was quite a bit challenging going down, we were sitting next to a grumpy lady and Micah being a 15 month had to move all the time. But at least my parents were on the flight with us so Micah could spend some time with them too.

Our first full day there we went to a desert zoo. The best part was the giraffes, there was a two month old baby there. Get this it was already 6 feet tall! The zoo/museum also had a miniature model train yard. Micah enjoyed that, actually it was fun for all of us to watch.

The next day we went to Joshua Tree National Park. Most of the pictures you see above are of the cholla or teddy bear cactus. Very interesting, but you don't want to touch them, we held Micah's hand the whole time we walked around them. The one picture you see of Micah sitting down was his idea he just plotted down in the middle of the path and started playing with the dirt and rocks (such a boy).

We continued on driving through the park and out cropped these giant boulders of granite. Lots of fun to scamper around. Could rock climbing be in Micah's future?

These are the Joshua tree, they kind of look like a cross between a cactus and a palm tree.

One day we tried to go on a hike (the top two pictures). I said tried because we didn't make it very far. The trail was rated at moderate but it should have also included the description of rough. It was much more of a rugged trail then we had anticipated although we could have made it to the top we were not looking forward to the going back down. So we reached a spot with a nice vista and called it good.

The bottom left picture is the view from the condo. And then there is Micah enjoying some reading with Aunt Stephanie.

Micah loved going outside and with six adults someone was always ready to take him out. The first few days we were back home in the cold and snow I think he missed going outside.

Even vacationing in Palm Springs you still have to have iced cut out cookies at Christmas. And the Farmer surprised me by baking a cake for my birthday. Way to go I had no idea.

We had a great time, enjoyed family, relaxing around the condo and the hot tub and celebrating the birth of our Savior!

1 comment:

  1. It was a memorable Christmas. Thank you for sharing it with us.

