Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trusting Him

Agriculture is a true test in trusting God, not that everyday life isn't, I just feel it more acutely when your livelihood is dependent on a crop that has so many uncontrollable variables affecting it. Thankfully we have faith and confidence in the One who does control those variables.

After The Farmer got back from AT he found the trees had cherry slugs and one other pest on them. It took a bit of research to determine what those pest were, but once he knew, he was able to spray the trees and that took care of it.

Last weekend in just two nights deer penetrated through all the trees and 60%-80% were eaten on. About 25% of them were heavy hit, requiring pruning. Those trees won't grow anymore this year. Prayerfully they will next year.

We could stress and worry about the trees. But that would be carrying something that is not ours to carry. We thank and praise God during the "good times" but He commands us to thank Him in all things. Who is to say what is good and bad when we don't have a full view of eternity anyways? If I say I have faith in God but then worry and question Him when challenging times arise, would that not be a selective faith? How could I even have a selective faith? Either I have faith in God and assurance in His sovereignty or my trust lies in myself. We chose to trust Jehovah Jireh (God who provides). He is proven Himself to us time and time again. How could we do anything but trust Him.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan,
    Well said. Our God is a great God and we need to trust in Him. These are lessons that we all need to be reminded of on a daily basis whether one is 30 years old or 60 years old.

