Sunday, August 14, 2011

11 Months

Sniff....sniff....sniff....wiping tears from my eyes. Micah is 11 months old today. Which means we are just one month away from his first birthday. Year could not been almost over already!?!

Micah is still army crawling but he is also hands and knees crawling. It is about 50/50 which he uses. He will army crawl when he has something he is hands he can't crawl on. And he does like to hold on to things. Mainly balls, he also likes to carry around these foam animals that come out of book my Mom and I got him from Costco. If he is out on the grass he will definitely be hands and knees crawling, he isn't so sure of the feel of grass. He has also started to cruise around furniture. But his balance is still a bit wobbly so no standing by himself yet. He can walk with a push toy though.

Activities: Loves playing with balls (really enjoys throwing it back and forth), books, bath (he likes to be underwater, weird), playing peek-a-boo using his sippy cup, he thinks it is hilarious for me to put toys in my teeth he will even try to put them there (oh and he loves to put his figures in my mouth), swinging, playing with paper/magazine, exploring noises he can make, exploring his world around him, has a strong interest in phones....I'm sure there is more but those are the main ones.

Still no teeth. But it does feel like his right canine is coming in, weird.

He is up about 6:30am (give or take a half hour), nap at 9am this one will last an hour and half to two hours, next nap is 1pm this one is also an hour and half to two hours, and bed time is 7:30. Okay well that pretty much sums up Micah at 11 months.


  1. I love reading up on sweet Micah - I hope my next visit with him isn't too long so he'll remember me! He looks so happy, I can't help but smile too. Joan

  2. I too love reading about "Micah My Man". Such a sweet and happy baby. What joy he brings to so many.
