Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trusting Him

Agriculture is a true test in trusting God, not that everyday life isn't, I just feel it more acutely when your livelihood is dependent on a crop that has so many uncontrollable variables affecting it. Thankfully we have faith and confidence in the One who does control those variables.

After The Farmer got back from AT he found the trees had cherry slugs and one other pest on them. It took a bit of research to determine what those pest were, but once he knew, he was able to spray the trees and that took care of it.

Last weekend in just two nights deer penetrated through all the trees and 60%-80% were eaten on. About 25% of them were heavy hit, requiring pruning. Those trees won't grow anymore this year. Prayerfully they will next year.

We could stress and worry about the trees. But that would be carrying something that is not ours to carry. We thank and praise God during the "good times" but He commands us to thank Him in all things. Who is to say what is good and bad when we don't have a full view of eternity anyways? If I say I have faith in God but then worry and question Him when challenging times arise, would that not be a selective faith? How could I even have a selective faith? Either I have faith in God and assurance in His sovereignty or my trust lies in myself. We chose to trust Jehovah Jireh (God who provides). He is proven Himself to us time and time again. How could we do anything but trust Him.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm Standing

Last weekend Micah stood by himself! On the 19th to be exact. (I am a neurotic Mom that writes everything down). He doesn't do it all the time and I usually have to stand him up. But it is really exciting!

Micah Standing from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So pretty much two days after Micah's 11 month post when I said he was hands and knees crawling about 50% of the time he started doing it all the time. He gets around a lot quicker now. And I love watching his little bottom as he crawls.

Wiggle...wiggle....wiggle. :)

Of course this happens now, his feet get so dirty. Promise the floors do get cleaned everyday, it's just summer.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

365 part 28

I can't believe how high these numbers are getting. We are almost to day 365, it has gone quick!

Day 329....Micah LOVES the swing
Day 330....he puts his feet up all the time in the stroller, so funnyDay 331Day 332Day 333Day 334Day 335....11 monthsDay 336Day 337Day 338Day 339Day 340Day 341....it was a hot dayDay 342....all the cousins were over, we had the baby pool out, a sprinkle and a slip-n-slide. Micah had fun with them all. Yes even the slip-n-slide.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Having Fun

Micah happy with himself from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

Micah loves this toy now. He is so happy with himself that he can make so much noise.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

11 Months

Sniff....sniff....sniff....wiping tears from my eyes. Micah is 11 months old today. Which means we are just one month away from his first birthday. Year could not been almost over already!?!

Micah is still army crawling but he is also hands and knees crawling. It is about 50/50 which he uses. He will army crawl when he has something he is hands he can't crawl on. And he does like to hold on to things. Mainly balls, he also likes to carry around these foam animals that come out of book my Mom and I got him from Costco. If he is out on the grass he will definitely be hands and knees crawling, he isn't so sure of the feel of grass. He has also started to cruise around furniture. But his balance is still a bit wobbly so no standing by himself yet. He can walk with a push toy though.

Activities: Loves playing with balls (really enjoys throwing it back and forth), books, bath (he likes to be underwater, weird), playing peek-a-boo using his sippy cup, he thinks it is hilarious for me to put toys in my teeth he will even try to put them there (oh and he loves to put his figures in my mouth), swinging, playing with paper/magazine, exploring noises he can make, exploring his world around him, has a strong interest in phones....I'm sure there is more but those are the main ones.

Still no teeth. But it does feel like his right canine is coming in, weird.

He is up about 6:30am (give or take a half hour), nap at 9am this one will last an hour and half to two hours, next nap is 1pm this one is also an hour and half to two hours, and bed time is 7:30. Okay well that pretty much sums up Micah at 11 months.