Thursday, April 14, 2011

7 Months

Baaaa Micah is now closer to being a year old then from when he was born!!! He is growing fast. A week ago we had his 6 month check up, he weighed 16lbs. 3oz. and was 27.5 inches long. Now he is roll all around, back to tummy, tummy to back, back to tummy.... He is moving around quite a bit, no forward movement yet though, just turning around in circles and scooting backwards. Micah has also starting to chat more and he is connecting that he can make us laugh, oh and he has "found" his tongue. He claps, enjoys playing with blocks, books and cups.

He continues to enjoy songs and rhymes, some of his favorites This Little Piggy, The wheels on the Bus, Ten Little Monkeys (we shorten it to five), I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas (if you grow up listening to Wee Sing Silly Songs you will know this one), I'm sure there is more he likes I'm missing.

The foods he is eating now is rice cereal, bananas, prunes, carrot, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, and green beans.

I know some of this is of no interest to some of you, but it is also for me. It will be good to have all this information to look back at when I finally get to scrapbooking him at this age.


  1. I love reading how he's doing! How did he get to be 7 months already?!

  2. Agreed! Makes you guys feel a little closer!

  3. I love, love, love my grandson.
