Monday, March 21, 2011

The Future of My Spare Time

Just before dinner The Farmer decide he wanted to go walk the fence line. I assume he means the small bit of the land we will be beginning to plant this spring, especially since he returned no more then 20 minutes later. Albeit quite dirty. Naive city girl I am was of course mistaken, he meant the entire property. And there was no walking, he ran, through streams, (or should I say "kriks"), at times the brush was so thick he had to put his head down and arms up. When he got back his Mom asked if he took a gun because of bears. Yikes! The purpose, simply to evaluate whether we (we is used quite loosely) will be able to put the game fence up around all of the property this year or not.

I foresee endless piles and piles of muddy dirty laundry in my future.

1 comment:

  1. Just wait til Micah decides to join him..the laundry will be unbearable. I don't think I will ever catch up with my laundry and my kids rarely get past the driveway!
