Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Day

Well what a day (so far). For whatever reason Micah has spit up a lot today. He is on outfit number three, luckily I have managed to only need to change my pants.

With the sun out and a few brides-to-be coming this weekend we needed to do a bit of winter clean up in a few of the flower beds. Once Micah was asleep I donned a pair of C's carhartt pants and went out to help. Feel free to laugh out my outfit, carhartts and an argyle sweater.
Not to worry I did put on a northface fleece so I didn't look like a complete idiot and an ill-prepared city girl. To make me look even more stylish I got this great wind blown hair-do while we were outside. It was blowing like 80 miles and hour, and by 80 I mean 20. Whenever the gator was full of debris I would hop on top of it all so the wind wouldn't carry it away on the way to dump it. During the time we were raking up dead plants The Farmer came by on the tractor pelting us with fertilizer. Let me tell you, it hurts a bit when the little pellets hit your already cold ears. But my day wasn't even that adventures compared to The Farmer's, his involved the tractor, a ditch witch, gator, track hoe, four wheeler, and a back hoe.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

365 Part XVII

Well you are never going to believe this, but we are now current posting the 365 pictures. Now just look for bi-monthly installments.

Day 176Day 177
Day 178Day 179Day 180....obviously 4 is too many, so which should go?Day 181Day 182Day 183Day 184...I have pictures but he is just wearing a diaper so I am not posting them

Day 185Day 186Day 187Day 188
Day 189

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Future of My Spare Time

Just before dinner The Farmer decide he wanted to go walk the fence line. I assume he means the small bit of the land we will be beginning to plant this spring, especially since he returned no more then 20 minutes later. Albeit quite dirty. Naive city girl I am was of course mistaken, he meant the entire property. And there was no walking, he ran, through streams, (or should I say "kriks"), at times the brush was so thick he had to put his head down and arms up. When he got back his Mom asked if he took a gun because of bears. Yikes! The purpose, simply to evaluate whether we (we is used quite loosely) will be able to put the game fence up around all of the property this year or not.

I foresee endless piles and piles of muddy dirty laundry in my future.

Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Months

Again, seriously has another month gone by? And do I really have a six month old?!? Wow!!

Micah at six months is about 16 pounds, what a chunk! Lets see, somethings he is doing now. He is sitting, from his back he rolls to his side, high fives, says mom and mama (not that he knows what they mean), and he enjoys playing peek-a-boo. Right now he eats rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas and today he had his first taste of carrots. He has continued to sleep like a champ through the night, he also likes ribbon/string/tags/velcro, and of course has lots of smiles and laughs.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

365 Part XVI

Yay here is the next round!

Day 161
Day 162
Day 163
Day 164
Day of these should go
Day 166...eee can't decideDay 167....this day does have a picture, it is Micah with just his diaper on and I don't feel comfortable posting that picture like that on here.

Day 168
Day 169
Day 170
Day 171Day 172
Day 173
Day there are too many
Day needs to go