Wednesday, August 25, 2010

37 Weeks and His Room

Yea! His room is done. Everything is washed and put away, diapers in the drawer. The room is ready for him, whether I am ready is a whole different story. The bedding is great. Thanks Mom! The curtains we just added some of the fabric from the bedding to the bottom. The right hand picture that is above the changing table/dresser will have his initial above it, once his name is decided. No we don't have a name yet. We do have a few picked out but I don't think we will be able to decided until we meet him. The three pictures over the crib I painted with some help from the cricut and C. I am happy with how the room turned out. Now just waiting for the little one that will make the room perfect.

Now I am a few days over 37 weeks. At my appointment my blood pressure is still good, and I'm measuring perfect at 37 cm. In the exam room the doctor was listening to the baby's heart rate with the doppler fetal monitor at one point it dropped lower then he would like. So I was put on an electronic fetal monitor for awhile. The baby's heart rate dropped a little low one other time and the rate wasn't reacting the way the doctor wanted. Then we were set over to the hospital for a biometric ultrasound. This was to check the heart rate more, the amniotic fluid levels, placenta, umbilical cord and a few other things. The bonus for this was we got to see him again and the tech printed us out a few pictures too.

My doctor wanted us back at the hospital the next morning to monitor more. This time the baby was perfect. His heart rate was where it should be, and the rate responded well when I had a contraction. But my doctor doesn't want to dismiss the few times the baby's heart rate dipped, so I will be back at the hospital on Friday to monitor, as well as my usual appointment next week in the doctor's office and one more time next week at the office. Depending on how the baby is doing we will determine if we need to continue with the extra monitoring. Counting I haven't gone into labor yet. :) As much as I could worry about all this God has given us both a great peace. We trust that God knows what is happening, and has him protected. Plus we know our son will come when he is ready and at the exact time God planned.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Have Become One of Them

It happened last night. Around eight o'clock I was in sweat pants, relaxing. C asked if I would like to run over with him to get gas in the car. Sure I said, the gas station isn't far. I grabbed my smoothie from the freezer that I had gotten from Costco earlier, put my slippers on (who needs shoes when you're just getting gas), and got in the car.

C started to drive home, instead of turning on Cooley he went straight into Lowes' parking lot.

Me: Um...I'm not really dressed for going into a store. showing my slippers

C: Oh
That's okay, you're pregnant.

So here I am walking through Lowes, wearing slippers, drinking a smoothie and a huge belly. I never liked it when people wore slippers out to a store, or church (I really have seen this). Here I have now become one of those people that where slippers in public. I tried to walk into the store with confidence, hey I am pregnant and all. But I just hoped the whole time people wouldn't look down and notice the slippers. Maybe the belly will distract them enough.

But then, oh then. I see another pregnant woman. Just to rub it in that I look like a slob she is wearing a really cute tunic with leggings and great sandals. To top it off she is just as pregnant as I am and I don't just see her once in the store. We see her at least three times. Just get me out of here. Back where I belong, sitting on the couch, that I can't get up from.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8 Months

Baaaa!! 8 months!!?! Can I really just be a month away from having a baby. Yikes! But first what has happened since July 17th. Well, my fingers started to swell enough that I took off my ring. I was mostly worried that I would wait too long and then wouldn't be able to get it off at all. C and I went and bought a fake ring for me to wear when I'm out, I don't what to get "those" looks.

Baby Wild has started to get the hiccups quite frequently. An unfortunate trait he got from me. Now he seems to be more on his side with his legs towards my left. His little legs and feet push out often. But his body still pushes up on my right side too. I'm starting to get contractions at least once an hour. They don't bother me though, I can just feel my stomach getting tight.

I had a doctors appointment yesterday. I now have gained 28 pounds, haven't passed C yet. My blood pressure is still doing great 94/60. And I measured at 35.5cm. I will be going into the doctors every week now. I remember when the told me the last month I will start coming in once a week and that seemed so far away. Hard to believe we are at that point. I'm sure it will make these last few weeks go quicker.

I had a wonderful shower on the 31st with my family and old roommates. I am blessed by all of them!
My parents came this last weekend. It was great to have them here and help get a few more things ready for our baby. It was strange when we said goodbye, because the next time I see them it will be with the baby. All I can think is weird. I know it is now almost half way through August, but in my mind I still think it is July. Or maybe it is me just wishing it was still July. I am anxious and really excited to meet our boy. But there is still so much I want to get done before he gets here. Starting to mentally prepare to be okay if I don't meet all those goals.

Also, been getting back into couponing after the hiatus from when C was gone. It has taken awhile to rebuild my coupon supply, get the motivation back, and fit it back into my weekly routine. Here is the latest trip to Rite Aid.After a mail in rebate, and UP rewards (money off on your next purchase) and coupons I paid $3.90. Please ignore the eggs, these were bought out of laziness necessity. So take out the eggs and I paid $2.61 for everything else

Here I am with the still ever growing belly at 35 weeks. I still don't feel as big as I look in the pictures. Though it is getting harder to get in and out of bed, off the couch, moving around etc.