Monday, December 22, 2014

1 Month

Time truly flies by with a baby, and they change so much. Here is a quick summary of Ethan and what he is up to at one month old. He is much more alert compared to when he was first born. No smiles at me yet, but apparently other people have gotten small smiles from him. He is beginning to coo, not a lot though or consistently yet. We are up about two times a night and during the day he nurses every 2.5 to 3 hours. At times he struggles going to sleep at night but other then that he is pretty content. He will be awake for 1.5 to 2 hours but half of that time is spent nursing, which means he is dozing a bit during that time. He seems to like tummy time, a few times he has almost drifted off to sleep on his tummy. Babies drifting off to sleep is always the cutest thing. The saddest "first" we have had this month is Ethan has had a cold and been quite congested. It is so sad to hear him be all stuffed up. He has still been able to nurse but has had to sleep propped up a bit to help with drainage. Ethan has been growing, he weighs 9lbs 11oz. He is still in newborn clothes but they are getting small so he will probably be moving up sizes in the next week. Why do they grow so quick! Trying to store up memories of this boy being a baby despite the busyness of our house.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to read of his cold. Hope he recovers quickly. He looks so darn cuddly too - wish I could do that right now!
