Saturday, November 22, 2014

Reading Reading Reading

Micah has always loved reading. He will sit and read book after book after book until you say it is time to stop. Jane hasn't always been as interested but she is more now. She still mostly prefers to read by herself versus having one of us read to her, though that is beginning to change now. The one time of day she will always sit and have a book read to her is before nap. Right now she is going through a phase where she likes to read the same book everyday for what seems like weeks at a time. So far the books have been, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, The View at the Zoo, Green Hat Blue Hat, The Tooth Book, Doggies and now back to The View at the Zoo. Which means I pretty much have those books memorized. But it is these little things I know some day I will miss. Now we just keep reading and reading and reading.

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