Saturday, May 18, 2013

7 Months

Another month has gone by. Not just gone by but flown by. I haven't even blogged once this past month, goodness. Jane is sure changing and growing. We had her 6 month well baby check up (a month late) and she is 17 pounds and 28" tall. That is around the 55 percentile for weight and 94 percentile for height. Though this past week has been rough for her. Jane started out with a high fever that progressed into her refusing solid food, and limited nursing and then to crying in pain. After a visit to the ER (which we left as soon as we got there because symptoms went away), a visit to the doctors and then back to the doctors again we found out she had an ear infection. She has lost 12oz but has begun to eat solids again so hopefully she will put that weight back on soon. I am happy to see smiles back on my girl's face. Jane has become a mover. Before she would wiggle her way across the room shifting her weight and using her head. Now she figured out how to army crawl and is much quicker. She is also beginning to figure out how to get from sitting to the floor, no more leaving her alone. Jane is entertained by Micah, she laughs at him more then anyone else. She is also much more interested in his toys then the baby toys. Her ear piercing squeals and screams continue, we joke that she is going to be a soprano. I am enjoying getting to see more of Jane's personality. 

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