Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Months

Why oh why has another month already gone by!?! Jane is now 6 months! We are getting to see more of her personality come through. She is easy to get to smile, still have to work to get laughs though. She isn't too much of a talker yet. I'm sure there will come a day when she won't stop talking. She rolls herself all around the room now, and is trying to push herself forward. I have a feeling we will have an earlier crawler. She doesn't know how to get from floor to sitting or sitting to floor yet so I can still set her down and she will stay there, at least for now. She loves playing with tags, Micah did at this age too. It is a good thing I didn't get the tags off of everything. We have introduced food, she eats lunch and dinner. She has had rice cereal, oatmeal, whole wheat grain, bananas (cut those out because of constipation), peaches, avocados, sweet potatoes and prunes. Next up is squash and pears. We have also cut the third nap, occasionally she will still take it if she wakes up unusually early from her afternoon nap. Other wise her day is started between 6:45 and 7:00 with a nap around 9:00, nap at 1:00 and bed around 7:00. I am thankful both kids rest at the same time in the afternoon to give me sometime to accomplish a few things. 

Being 6 months I had fun taking a few pictures of her. I am happy with a some of the ones I got. They capture bits of her personality well.


  1. Meagan, Jane is beautiful! What a infectious smile!

  2. No prejudice but she is sure cute. Great pictures Meagan. Thank you for taking them.


  3. You got some amazing pictures, and she is so adorable!!

  4. Very sweet pictures Meagan. She's a natural in front of the camera. :)

    Aunt Joan

  5. Meagan you are a wonderful photographer! Your next career?
