Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Few Things I Want to Remember

A couple days ago I started complying a list of things about Micah right now that I want to remember. But it is certainly not all inclusive. I have really enjoyed writing these down. I must do this more often.

:You usually give me a kiss when you want to, not always when I ask for one. And it is always an open mouth kiss.

:Your head on my shoulder.

:If we take off your shirt and pants you head straight to the bath, pulling one of us along with you.

:The way you sign please and say “eeee”.

:When you blow kisses you put your hand to your mouth but you haven’t gotten the blowing away yet.

:You coming to give me a hug in the middle of playing.

:Your “funny face”.

:How much you love exploring cause and effect. You get so happy when you push something, like a light switch and it does something.

:Finding toys or your cup in various cupboards.

:You love putting on other peoples shoes.

:The way you bounce up and down to dance.

:Your little hand reaching out and grasping mine.

:You love to read, both by yourself and us reading the story to you.

:These simple days.

:That I have your full attention and that you want mine.

:How you get extra goofy in your highchair once you finish eating. Must remember "crazy Micah".

:All of your words are vowels.

:The way you say “uh-oh” and that you have different tones for when you mean it in different ways.

:You like to move, move, move.

:You are very interested in cars and trucks.

:Your many laughs.

:Playing chase you with.

:How quickly you are picking up on everything, what things are called, how things work, what we do at certain times, etc.

:The way you imitate us in what we do and what we say.

:Your feet hang down when I hold you.

:After you take a drink you will sometimes say “ahhh”.

:The way you stand up.

:The look on your face when I start to chase you.

:When I say “come here Micah” you look at me with a mischievous smile, laugh and run the other way thinking it is a game (that will be changing soon).

:I am amazed at how much you understand.

:You want to be close to me.

:That you prefer me.

:I can still hold you in my arms, though your legs hang off to the side.

:The way your little toes grip the ground when you are standing and walking.

:There are certain things you don’t like out of order, like when a chair was on its side you kept saying “uh-oh” until it was back as it should be.

:When we pray before meals you will reach out to hold our hands. You like to pray so much you ask to pray all throughout the meal.

:Love your red, fine, fluffy hair.

:How you say hat and how much you love to wear them.

:The way you squint and hide your face when the lights are turned on in the morning, they are so bright.

:Sometimes I will catch you sleeping on your stomach with your bottom up in the air (so cute).

:The way you back up to our laps when you want to read a book.

So this video kind of goes with this post. I must warn, grab a tissue you, especially if you are a parent or are the sentimental type (like me) or tend to cry easily. It totally made me cry.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful thoughts Meagan - feel as if I know Micah better. Let's plan a get together so I can visit with you both! Would love a chance to play with Micah. Joan
