Monday, February 14, 2011

5 Months

Again another month has gone by quick. Micah at 5 months is now 14lbs. 15oz., almost to 15lbs and he is 25 1/4" long. At his four month well baby check up his doctor heard a heart murmur and since we are moving (more on that in another post) she wanted to have it checked further my a cardiologist. So today we had an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist. They did all the usual vitals plus heart rate, blood pressure, O2 levels, an EKG and an echocardiogram. Praise God everything is normal. He has turbulence in his heart which is what is being heard, but it is okay. He may out grow or not, but it is nothing to worry about.

A few things about Micah at 5 months, he is making lots of noise while eating, he has had his first taste of solid food, he is rolling from tummy to back, he occasionally transfers toys for one hand to the other and we are working on sitting, which he likes. He still likes to grab anything that you put in front of him, he is expressing his desires more (meaning fussing when he wants a toy or when a toy is taken away or when I put him down), he likes reading books and he likes chewing on toys/finger/anything really (wondering if teeth are coming soon). Right now his favorite toys are a ring of keys, Sophie the giraffe and a fabric book that crinkles. Now we are not having to work as hard to get a laugh, they still don't come all the time yet, but those smiles sure do and they are wonderful!

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