Monday, February 28, 2011

365 Part XV

With this post we are through the 20th. So if the move doesn't through me off I should be up to date with the next post. :)

Day 146....I will do some red eye correction with this one
Day 147
Day 148

Day 149
Day 150
Day 151....can you tell yet that he loves Sophie the Giraffe?
Day 152
Day 153
Day 154....5 months old!! He is starting to get too big for the blanket I put him on.
Day 155....we have started solids.

Day 156
Day 157
Day 158
Day 159....can't decide between these two

Day 160

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Peace and Joy

A moment from many weeks ago.

The dawn is breaking, a glimmer of light coming through. It is a new day.

Photo from The Pioneer Woman

I walk into his room, his arms relaxed, the left up by his head, the right by his side. His hands held in a loose fist. The rest of him wrapped in the warmth of a blanket. I pause. Watching his chest slowly, deeply, rise and fall, I think about the need to breathe every moment to live. I wonder, what about The Breath of Life, don't I need Him every moment to truly live? How can I show this to Micah, teach him to figure out a way to have Him, see Him, feel Him in every moment.

Looking at his face I see peace in him, resting over,and all around. Peace. This must be the peace the Lord promises His people. I see peace, as time slows, I feel peace. The Lord is Peace, He is here in this moment. A heart at peace gives life to the body. Let my heart not be troubled, He will be my peace.

I gently place my hand on him. He stirs. His arms stretch, letting go of sleep. Eyes blink open, they catch mine. "Good morning Micah," is whispered into the silence. A smile that fills his whole face appears. I smile back. I see nothing but joy in him, pure joy. This then must be the joy the Lord promises. It is in his face. The world is foul, though he does not know it, he does not see it, to him right in this moment he sees the beauty that is around and is filled with joy. Even in pain we can have joy, His joy, shout for joy. Although this world is ugly, and there is grief, it is beautiful and joy can be found.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

365 Part XIV

I promise we are almost caught up now.

Day 131
Day 132...a few need to go from here.
Day 133
Day 134
Day 135
Day 136
Day 137
Day 138....of the first two which one?
Day 140
Day 141
Day 142....look at my chubby legs

Day 143
Day 144
Day 145