Tuesday, November 9, 2010

365 Part III

Okay I'll be honest, I'm going to be using more then (or is it than) picture a day. There is just no way I will be able to cut some pictures. Though some days I will still need some help because there are just too many pictures. I think two, maybe three a day is good, beyond that some need to go. So at this point I will just post the daily pictures and let you know when I need help eliminating some.

Day 5

Day 6...help

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10


  1. Day 6 is tough - I really like the family photo for sure, and the one with you carrying him in his sling. You've taken some great pictures! Want to come take some of Samantha? hahaha!

  2. Meagan - this is agonizing trying to choose. Simply agonizing. But here goes......

    Day 6 - family photo
    Day 7 - swaddled pic
    Day 8 - it's got to be the four sleeping poses, staged as one pic
    Day 9 - hands
    Day 10 - full body shot

