Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 Months

2 months, time really does go fast. I've heard it said "the days are long, but the years are short", right now I feel the days are short too. It is amazing how quickly a day goes by and sometimes how little I have gotten done.

Seriously, Micah is two months already, that is crazy! He is getting big too. We had his two month doctor appointment yesterday, he weighs 12lbs. 1oz!! That is just about a pound and a half shy of doubling his birth weight. He is now 23 inches long, he was 20.5 inches at birth.

Micah is not only growing physically, but cognitively as well. Somethings he is doing now is smiling at us (which is so fun), he tracks both of our faces really well, he is cooing, he blows bubbles, he has better control over his head and has “found” his hands. As these days go by we are trying to treasure our time with Micah, even the middle of the night time with him.

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