Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 Weeks

I can't believe Micah is two weeks already. It is true that time does go fast. We are trying to treasure these times and this life God has blessed us with.

Only two weeks old and he looks different.

Day 1

Day 14

Life is much different with a baby. He has given us many good laughs, much of which revolve around diaper changing. Despite C giving Micah the cease fire signal before removing his diaper C has probably been peed on more then me. I guess Micah hasn't learned that signal...yet.

It is amazing how little I get done in the day, other then taking care of Micah. Lunch time will roll around and all we have done is eat, got dressed, gone through many diaper changes and well that usually is about it. So much for the to-do list.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Micah Patrick Rice

You all know, but I had to make it official on the blog.

Micah Patrick Rice was born September 14th at 4:53 am, 6lbs 13oz, and 20.5".

Giving birth to a new life is an amazing experience. One word to describe this particular experience is long. Labor was about 34 hours. When we checked into the hospital at noon on Monday, being 4cm dilated I did not expect it to be another 17 hours before Micah was born. When he did arrive, it was so great to touch him, hold him and see him. It was hard to believe at first that he is our son. He has been such a joy to have here.

Now get ready for lots and lots of posts with pictures of him.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

39 Weeks

39 weeks and a few days now.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.....whenever you would like to come baby boy.

The weight gain has now reached a new level, 30 pounds. I officially weigh more then C. At least I'll be on the quickest weight loss plan soon. At my doctor's appointment this week I was measuring at 39cm. I was 1.5cm dilated, 75% effaced and the baby is moving down into the pelvis. So the dilation isn't moving along yet. But I'm okay with that. You could sit at 3cm for days or even weeks. Or you could go from 6cm to 9cm within 30 minutes. I am getting contractions, nothing regular or too strong yet.

The week the baby's heart rate was low we had additional monitoring and testing. Everything came back great. So the doctor no longer saw the need for extra monitoring. Since then the baby's heart rate has continued to do well. Yay!

For curious minds......M

I will say no more.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Wonder

So what will he look like? I'm told from the ultrasounds that he has my nose. I'm not sure, most baby noses look similar. He definitely has the potential of having red hair. I obviously did when I was younger and there is red hair within the Rice family. I wonder if he will be like a lot of the Rice kids and not have much hair for a while. For eyes, I don't know what is dominant, I have blue and C has hazel. I know brown is dominant, but would blue be dominant over hazel, or hazel over blue...hmmm? There have not been any estimates as to his size. If what C and I were born at have any bearing he could be big. I was a little of 8 pounds and C was around 10 pounds. I do wonder what he will look like, lucky for me I don't have too long to wait, less then a week from the due date.