Saturday, July 17, 2010

32 Weeks

Less than two months?! I feel like there is still so much to do to. So many things to get ready before this little guy gets here. But he is doing well. He moves around quite a bit, especially first thing in the morning and at night. He seems to like the right side of my belly. C says it is because my stomach is on the left side. There are many times my belly is lopsided to the right side. It looks funny. But my organs and lower ribs on the right side are getting a little sore from his constant pressure and kicking. I do enjoy getting to feel him when he is sticking out, whether it is his body or a limb. When he really gets moving my whole belly shakes. Makes me curious what this movements are going to look like when he is here.

When I look at those pictures I am surprised. I really don't feel like my stomach is that big. But looking at the pictures, wow, my belly is really sticking out. The boy is growing. :)

We have painted his room now. And just today my Mom finished sewing the bumper and skirt for the crib!! Can't wait to get those in the room. Things will really start to come together then. In painting the room, we (by we I mean C) first had to paint the ceiling. It was originally the same color as the walls, so it would have looked weird not to paint it. The walls are now green and a pale creamy yellow. Pictures will come later.

This is what I looked like when keeping C company while he painted. I did edge some, though not enough to say I really contributed, (but I can think I did right?). The mask worked great, couldn't smell a thing. But it did leave lovely marks on my face that took awhile to go away.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed out loud when I saw the gas mask. Good job protecting your little boy! Can't wait to see the room especially when all painted and decorated. And now that the crib skirt is done as well - the crib will be so very ready for "Wild" Rice. Can't wait to meet that precious boy. My love, Mom
