Monday, March 29, 2010

Maternity Clothes

I went to old navy yesterday to see if there were any good sales. (fyi nothing really) Of course, I had to look at the maternity clothes. Which seems to me their maternity section has gotten smaller, bummer. But there were some jeans on sale. The price almost convinced me to buy them, though few things got in the way....

A) I don't believe I'm going to be that big
B) when I actually am that big I don't know if I will be wearing jeans, could be too hot
C) they look really weird

For which ever the reason, well all of the reasons, I walked out of the store with nothing. Although I do realize that someday I will be forced to buy them.


  1. A) Hard to imagine...but you will get that big.
    B) you are right - it could be much, much to hot in August and September to really needs jeans. You might be happier with capris.
    C) Agreed - maternity clothes do look weird.

    Next time you're in Portland - let's try shopping for maternity clothes again. That would be lots of fun.

    159 days and counting!!!!!!!!

  2. This post made me smile :) I can totally picture you going in there and saying those exact things. :)

  3. Let me tell you this....when/if you are big enough to wear these, maternity clothes are THE MOST COMFORTABLE CLOTHES....EVER!!!!!!!! It's like wearing your PJ pants all day long :) Target has some great maternity clothes, I found their maternity shorts to be so comfy and really "stylish" too!
