Tuesday, September 16, 2014

30 Weeks

Week 30 is here (now week 31). Even though it isn't officially a milestone other then now I go to the doctor every two weeks, I always feel like I have reached some sort of benchmark. I am still feeling pretty good. Sleeping is getting more uncomfortable but I haven't had to consistently get up to use the bathroom during that night, which is so nice. I am still experiencing SI joint pain, but it is manageable and a blessing that the really painful days are few and far between. Praying that that continues. Everything was still looking good at my doctor appointment. My weight gain seems to be about the same so far as the other kids, I've gained 23 pounds. Though I was measuring a little bigger, I measured at 32cm, typically you measure in centimeters as you are in weeks. Nothing of concern at this point. I am starting to feel limits in what I can do now because of my size and energy. But I try not to use being pregnant as an excuse to not do things and remain active. And speaking of active this boy seems to be pretty active, especially in the evenings. He moves around a lot and not just kicking but the arms and head or perhaps it is his hands up by his face. Either way I will feel him moving all around. It can be uncomfortable at times but it does make me look forward to seeing those movements when he arrives. 

1 comment:

  1. You are looking beautiful! It's getting so close and I can't wait to meet my newest grandson!
