Tuesday, July 29, 2014

23 Weeks

Over half way, time never does seem to slow down. Everything is looking really good with the baby. At my appointment this last week his heart rate was 150. I was measuring at 23cm and I've gained about 17 pounds. I do feel the baby move around, mostly when I am laying down in bed. Perhaps that is because I am not sitting still long enough during the day to notice his movements. I am feeling good being in the second trimester where your energy is mostly back and you're not too huge to make all moving around difficult. I have been having some pain in my hip/pelvis, my PT (aka my sister) says it is in the area of the SI joint. I pretty much feel it all the time and at times more acutely. This is a first for pregnancy pain for me, I'm just praying it doesn't get worse as the baby gets bigger.

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