Wednesday, August 14, 2013

10 Months

We have enjoyed another month with Jane. A development that actually happened more around 9 months is she will say "mamamama" when she is wanting me. We still continue to have a very close bond, of course we are still nursing so that makes sense. She knows her name now too, she might have learned it earlier but I have noticed it much more lately that she will look when you call her name. Jane has become quite chatty, there are times she will try to repeat words like hi. She will also wave hi and bye. She is not walking on her own yet but she is making progress, cruising has begun and she is starting to stand without holding on more often. For play Jane is liking putting blocks into a box. And not quite as helpful, she likes to pull toys and books off of the shelves. She has also learned how to clap. We have found Jane to be very ticklish, especially under the arms, which makes the game round and round the garden fun for us all. This girl is always on the move and wanting to explore. Getting a picture of her on her blanket was near impossible, I have a lot of shots like this one catching her in mid roll over.

Yesterday we had a scare with Jane. I was in the kitchen cleaning up lunch and she wandered into the dining room and discovered an old can of sterno (sterno is methanol). When I went to her there was dried out crystals around her. Since I wasn't sure we assumed she ingested some. The Farmer called poison control and they instructed us to take her to the ER. Jane was looking fine and the doctor was pretty confident she that even if she did ingest some of the crystals it was very unlikely that there was any methanol left. They did do a blood draw to test. We were sent home to wait results. The carrier would be coming from The Dallas or Portland to pick up the sample and then take it to Portland for testing. Ridiculous, I wanted to ask if we could just drive her to Portland. We got a call from the doctor around 7:15 that there was zero methanol, praise God. It was a relief to get that call, though I am still dealing with guilt that it even happened.

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