Wednesday, June 12, 2013

8 Months

8 months...we are very quickly reaching a year! I know it is the typical parental mantra but time flies, and this month was no exception. Jane's large motor development is changing quickly. She has mastered army crawling and is starting to pull herself up onto her knees. Getting from sitting to tummy is quite easy and just a couple days ago she moved from floor to sitting. We can no longer leave her alone for long. She is a sweet girl with a wonderful personality. Smiles come easily, so do laughs and she will even do a pretend laugh. And she is very ticklish. When she wants to be picked up she will army crawling over to me and then super man (arms pulled back, kicking legs). She still is quite attached to me and I'm still her number one comforter, I must I am quite okay with that. Jane is beginning to talk and we are encouraging Mama and Papa, nothing consistent yet. Sorry for these jumbled thoughts on Jane, I'm just writing down what is coming to mind to help me remember this sweet girl at 8 months.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan - Jane is super adorable...can't wait to see her & Micah when you're at your M&D for a week or so. My mom is hoping to get over to Tigard too so we can both see the children.

    Love the pictures and the updates - makes me feel more connected. Aunt Joan
