Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Push Ups

The Farmer has set a new goal, to do a hundred push-ups a day for the next year. Micah is coming to the age where he likes to imitate everything we do.

At first Micah thought it would just be fun to climb on The Farmers back to go for a ride. It was amusing to watch him try and get on while The Farmer was going up and down.

But what Micah did next was even more amusing. He did push-ups, his own version of course. He has changed a bit on how he does them now, but he continues to do them on his own. So funny!

Friday, December 9, 2011

He Likes Books

I think we got ourselves a reader. I was doing a few things in the kitchen and looked around the corner to check on what Micah was doing. And this is how I found him.

So cute! I quickly grabbed my camera a took a few pictures. He was totally into the book because he didn't care that I was there with the camera. He rolled over on his belly to read more and sat up. We have been reading to him since he was born so this makes me so happy.

His favorite books right now are a book about St. Nicholas and Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Water Painting

The other day I was wanting to do a fine motor activity with Micah. We have tried painting before, which is a gigantic mess. So this time he "painted" with water. Since construction paper turns darker when wet it worked perfect for him to get the practice without a major mess to clean.

Plus I did not have to worry about him putting paint in his mouth. Because by the end he was putting the paint brush in his mouth and drinking out of the cup. Definitely need to do this activity again.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Some friends gave us this Megablocks car track set to go along with the Megablocks we have. Micah has had a lot of fun with it. Actually The Farmer has had fun with it too. He tries to come up with different tracks for them to play with.

It didn't take Micah long to figure out how it worked. He would send the cars down over and over again. Also balls were sent down and he experimented to see what other objects would fit down the track. This boy could play with cars all day long.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Not Another Fall

On Tuesday Micah took a big fall. Naturally his fall from Tigard was almost healed. I really hope this won't be a weekly occurrence.

In our house we have wood in the kitchen floors then a transition to concrete to the back porch with concrete steps. Micah knows he is not allowed to go beyond the threshold. That morning he was riding around on his tricycle, I was putting a few things away in the living room. Next thing I hear his Micah crying. I go running and find him at the bottom of the stairs next to the overturned tricycle. He was crying and the cut on his nose was bleeding. I scooped him up and stopped the bleeding. The Farmer was in the house so he came and checked Micah over to make sure nothing serious was wrong.

What seemed to have happened his maybe since he was on the bike he thought he could go past the threshold. Then I think he road the bike down the stairs and then fell off.

Thankfully we had some popsicles in the freeze so we could ice his lip. To get him to sit still while we iced his lip he sat on my lap and watched some cartoons. Gasp! That is the first time he has ever watched cartoons and probably the only case he will until he is two. His lip was swollen by the next day and his nose is nearly healed.