Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sharing Memories

When I was growing up we would walk up the street to the ponds to feed the ducks. Last weekend when we were in Tigard we took Micah up there. It was in the evening and it seemed like all the geese in the area were coming in for the night. We watched them fly in and land in the water. They got Micah's attention and so did the water. It will be fun to take him up there as he gets older to share with him memories that I have of the duck ponds.

A Different Kind of First

We made a last minute trip into Tigard this past weekend to see my family. It had been about a month since they had seen Micah, which is too long. While we were there it wasn't raining so we took advantage and went outside. Micah got to see the ducks up at the pond. (I'll get pictures up soon). One of the times he was outside Micah totally face planted. It looks worse then it is. Actually it looks worse now that it is scabbed over.

This is his biggest injury so far and his first real fall. It was bound to happen sometime. And it certainly won't be the last. One good thing is that it doesn't seem to bother him at all. Naturally though we are having family pictures taken on Friday. The Farmer refuses to let me put any concealer on Micah's nose. Hopefully I can do a bit of Photoshop work.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hello Winter

Friday we woke to 3-4 inches of snow. It was beautiful. Where we live now we get the pretty snow. In Bend we would occasionally get the pretty snow. But usually it was the dry ugly snow that just blows around never really accumulating.

I knew we could and would be getting snow soon. It is pretty seeing the fall leaves peeking out through the white snow, especially the tamarack trees.

As we were sitting down to dinner Friday The Farmer spotted elk in the field across the street. We ran to the scope and binoculars and counted at least sixty elk, with at least one bull. It was so cool, but too dark to get a picture without dragging out the tripod.

We also got about 3-4 inches of soon on Saturday. I'm so glad the guys don't have to been up on the roof of the addition anymore.

Yesterday we saw this smaller buck go through our front yard, cross the road and through the neighbors field. I ran as quickly and as quietly as I could out the door to snap a few pictures.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Animal Noises

So I know I am posting two videos in a row but I just had to put this one up too. Micah is learning animal sounds and it is so cute. In the video I forgot to ask him about a sheep and since I filmed this he knows what a cow says too. It is so fun and amazing to see him learn!

P.S. No the tv is not on, well it is but just to music. Micah doesn't get to watch tv yet.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tractor Bear Walk

This boy makes us laugh. Even the ordinary things that aren't necessarily funny become funny when Micah does them. Like this video so funny you must watch it is like he is bear walking, but with the tractor and front loader in his hands.

Tractor Bear Walk from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

He is such a boy, even with a basket full of toys 95% of the day he plays with these tractors.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Micah enjoys feeding himself. He is also becoming more picky. I guess it is pay back for me for all the picky years I gave my parents. When it comes to vegetables the only way Micah will eat them is pureed. So despite the fact that he can eat most all foods I still am making baby food, but just the veggies. Micah is also not that keen on meat, gasp! I am finding ways to get him to eat it though. Like chicken smothered in barbecue sauce, he will occasionally eat ground meat if it has taco seasoning. Other then that he gets protein through beans and dairy. Unfortunately he doesn't like eggs either, I think it is the texture. He is definitely my son, he loves himself some pasta and bread.

The level in which Micah likes the food can be seen by the level of messiness on his face. As you see barbecue chicken, loves.

Black beans, really loves (at least this time).

And I just had to throw in this totally unrelated cute picture.