Thursday, July 14, 2011

10 Months

10 months already!?! Wow!

Micah can get himself up on his hands and knees and will make a few crawls forward like that, but his primary means of transportation is still army crawling. With his ability to move and the huge growth in his curiosity he does not seem to kick his legs as much anymore. He moves easy from floor to sitting and sitting to floor, sometimes in some very strange looking ways. He also loves to stand. He just moves from one object to the next that he can use to stand. Now I'm wondering if he will just skip over the regular crawling and go to walking.

Still no teeth. But that is not stopping him from eating. He loves puffs! For finger foods he has had cheese, green beans, mandarin oranges, potato (though I don't think any made it to his mouth), broccoli (I don't think any stayed in his mouth), I think that is all the finger food he has had so far. Nothing else really new for what he eats.

Micah is ticklish now which is fun. He is quite the explorer too. Getting into everything. To give a run down of what he likes to play with: the spices, bowls, chairs, doors, balls, he likes to have a block in each hand as he moves about, books and pretty much everything he can't have. He still prefers to mostly play independently, there are times he likes to play with us and it is so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Blake did the same army crawling thing till about 11 months, I thought he was never going to regular crawl but then he did! And he doesn't have any teeth yet either! (He's now 13 1/2 months) If you guys are ever in the Corvallis area let me know it would be fun to see you and meet Micah!
