Tuesday, June 14, 2011

9 Months

Yet again I am surprised another month has gone by and now I have a 9 month old. This growing up stuff needs to slow down.

In Micah developments the biggest thing in the last month is that he has started to army crawling. Which opens so much more in his world (and mine). Now that he is moving the thing he goes to the most is the shelve with his books. He loves to look at (and eat) books.

Lately we seem to be commenting on the things he does that we have never seen a baby do. For instance, when looking at books on his back he will use his feet to hold them up. He will use his feet almost like extra hands. Another thing he does, is his kicking. The boy just kicks and kicks and kicks and I have never seen a baby kick like he does. But he loves it.

Now he has no problem getting from sitting to floor. Micah can get from floor to sitting but I don't think he has it fulling figured out yet. He is starting to get how to pull himself up on his knees. He is stilling working on getting strong enough and figuring out how to pull his knees underneath him to crawl.

With food I think the only thing new that he has tried is pumpkin. We have still been working on the constipation problems. We ended up putting him on a laxative which REALLY helped. Now that he seems to be doing better with that I am going to start getting more variety in his eating. I have some plums, mangos and avocado for him to try. I also bought some lentils to cook up and will probably try some beans too. But he still doesn't have a huge appetite, with being constipated he all but stopped eating solids. Oh I also got puffs for him to try. He isn't too sure about them yet, but I'm sure he will learn soon. Also, no teeth yet. Okay wow this got long.

:: Update:: Micah weighs 17lbs. 5oz. (15%) and is 28 1/4" (50%) long.

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