Friday, May 27, 2011

Funny Micah

We taught this to Micah awhile ago, still cracks me up. Though what would you call it?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


A little late on this since the trees are already in the ground but I'm sure you would still enjoy seeing what we have been doing. We is a term used very loosely around these parts.

The perimeter of the property is cleared.

The plan was to fence the entire property in so The Farmer wouldn’t have to move any fence. Unfortunately the weather was so bad (snow and rain), making the ground too wet to work on. Giving him only a few days to get the fence up before the trees needed to go in the ground. So he did have to put up a temporary fence along the east fence line.

Fencing begins with putting in wood posts every 100-150 feet and then metal posts every 20-25 feet. And a "H brace" is put every 300 feet or so.

Then the fence is put up. The Farmer made the fence unroller from an old weight lifting frame. Frugal farming! The fence gets stretched periodically while going up. Also, after he passes every wood post with the fence C goes by and puts on clips, securing the fence to the post.

The fence goes on the outside to make it stronger against the game trying to get in. Let’s be clear the fence is for deer and elk. If a bear wants to get in, it will get in, and likely destroy an entire tree. We get deer, elk, bear and other sorts of critters around here. The herds of deer and elk vary but there are times in the field across the street will we see about forty elk. They are big big animals.

Any-who back to fencing, when The Farmer runs out of a roll of fence and has to start another one they have to be connected. At first C was thinking of just winding these together by hand, which would take him an hour to do the connecting. Or he could buy these thing-a-ma-jigs and be done in five minutes.

In my mind time is money too, as it seems worth the extra dollars to save almost an hour of time. The Farmer will still be adding a wire a foot above the fence to make it that much taller. Deer and elk can jump surprisingly high. Not that I have seen it or anything, that's just the word on the

Well there you go folks if you ever need to put up a game fence now you know how.

Friday, May 20, 2011

365 Part 21

Day 229Day 230
Day 231Day 232
Day 233Day 234
Day 235....naked picture

Day have to know that his shirt says "I fight bad guys", love his face with thatDay 237Day 238Day 239Day 240Day 241Day 242Day 243Day 244

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

8 Months

As of Saturday Micah is now 8 months old. Crazy! And he is over 17 pounds now. We are working on getting from sitting to floor and floor to sitting. He gets floor to sitting mostly himself wants I get him started. Sitting to floor he can do if you really wants to go after something, i.e. phones, cameras and the like. He occasionally ends up on the floor from sitting by accident. Mostly though I think he doesn't do it as much because he is content sitting and playing, even if I move all toys away to will just play with his hands or feet. We are also working on getting him on his hands and knees. Though I am in no rush to have him crawl.

His interest in toys has not changed too much. He still loves tags/velcro/ribbon, blocks, books, singing, really anything that makes noise. When playing with the blocks if I stack some he will then try to put the one in his hand on top. If he doesn't have a block in his hand he trys to take one from the top. You can see the concentration when he is doing this. He enjoys baths and crys every time he is taken out no matter what distraction we try to use. I am looking forward to the weather being warmer so we can spend more time outside. Micah also makes noise and runs his fingers over his lips at the same time, it is really funny. It is hard to describe what it is like, I will try to get it on video. He will roar back and forth, usually with C. Both of them smiling the whole time and the rest of us trying not to laugh out loud. Oh and he loves sticking his tongue out, almost every 8 month old picture I took he has his tongue out. He continues to kick and kick his feet. He might just skip over walking and go straight to running with how much and how quick he kicks. Also I don't know where he picked this up but he fake coughs. It must have come from some time that we laughed so he keeps doing it. If it funny though he coughs and then looks at me and smiles, of course I smile back which obviously then encourages him to do it more. Oh well.

Micah has been having problems with being constipated so his foods right now are limited to "P" foods (peaches, pears, plums, prunes, peas etc.), and he also eats oatmeal. We are pushing the prune and apple juice to try to help too. Still haven't found the right solution for him yet. Poor guy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Uncle Ken

Ken is in the middle with his two brothers

This morning my Uncle Ken ended his over five year battle with cancer. I have been amazed at his courage through this trial. What impresses me as well is the strength he had to continue to fight. The tenacity and determination it must of took day after day. He has been an example to us all, not just these last five years but the entirety of his life.

I was reading a book by a blogger I follow and she spoke of the "haunting "C" word, the one with gluttonous belly and serrated teeth and the voracious appetite to divide and dominate. Caner." What a wretched disease it is. As beastly as cancer is God did promise that there will be a day with no more tears and no more pain, that day has come for Uncle Ken. God used this vile sickness to bring Uncle Ken into His presence and glory for eternity. That I can rejoice in. Our flesh groans out of sadness and mourning but our souls know we will meet again.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Bink

Micah gets the binky when he goes to sleep, naps and at night. Last week I was rocking and singing to him before laying him down for a nap (he had the bink in his mouth). He wrapped his hand around the bink popped it out and then pushed it up towards my mouth for me to put it in. I put it back in his mouth and he did the same thing again. Popped it out and tried to get it in my mouth. So cute, it definitely made me smile.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

365 Part 20

A few days late on getting this up. But I will not get behind!

Day 217Day 218
Day 219....Bath time picture

Day 220Day 221Day 222Day 223
Day 224
Day 225Day 226Day 227
Day 228