Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Few Things to Remember

Well clearly I have been quite poor at keeping this up to date. But nonetheless here is a post mostly for my benefit to record and look back at. Around 18 months I wrote a list for both Micah and Jane of some things about them I want to remember. I few months ago when Ethan was that age I wrote a list for him too. So here is a list of a few things I want to remember about my sweet baby.

:: Your head on my shoulder
:: The way you sign please (up by your jaw line)
:: You love putting on other people's shoes
:: Getting to hold your little head
:: When we are walking you always want to hold someones hand and will just hold yours up until someone grabs on.
:: These simple days that we have together
:: That you want my full attention
:: Your laugh and how at times it is a cackle
:: How you say "eee" (cheese) when we take a picture
:: I am amazed at how much you understand
:: How close you want to be to me
:: The way you wrap your arm around my neck, grab my hair, put your head on my shoulder and suck your thumb
:: When we pray before meals you have purposeful jabber like you are praying
:: The way you say "meh" when we say amen
:: The way you say Mam and Papa over and over and over
:: How much you love to play peek-a-boo
:: The way you talk without ever opening your mouth
:: If there is someone, anyone going outside you want to join
:: The way you like to put your feet on my cheeks after bath or over my eyes to play peek-a-boo
:: Your smile when I walk into get you up in the morning
:: The way you say "whoa whoa whoa"
:: How you will use your legs to push my hands away when I'm putting a diaper on
:: After nearly every diaper change you stand up and come straight into my arms
:: How you say surprise, usually when I open the car door to get you out
:: The way you enthusiastically say "night" 
:: Your big grin when we understand what you are communicating
:: Your thumb sucking
:: How you do pop out your thumb when we ask you to
:: You notice airplanes, trucks and tractors
:: Your fingers playing with mine
:: How you hang your head down when you're wanting to put it on my shoulder