Monday, February 16, 2015

3 Months

Here we are, another month has flown by. I don't have his weight yet, but I'll update when I do. He is growing out of three month clothes. He has "found" his hands and is very entertained sucking on them. He also enjoys being on the playmat and is very successful hitting the toys over head. His head control has improved quite a lot and he does well holding his head up during tummy time. He has rolled a number of times from his tummy to back. He will coo and talk with us and it is so cute! So are his smiles which are much easier to get now. He really likes his checks and toes kissed. He is also blowing bubbles now. Though he has a pretty rough cold right now, he is pretty miserable, at least he looks miserable. Our routine is waking him up at 8/8:30 to nurse then nap at 10/10:30, nurse at 11/11:30, nap at 1/1:30, nurse 3/3:30, nap 5/5:30, nurse 6/6:30, and then asleep for the night around 8. He will then wake up around 9 to nurse and goes straight back to sleep and then usually will wake once during the night to eat, occasionally he has slept all the way until I wake him. With the other kids I would nurse them right before laying them down for the night, but for Ethan that seemed to wake him up and then he wouldn't go to sleep for sometime. Every kid is different right? It is fun seeing him grow more and seeing him enjoy his siblings. They really love him, as do all of us.

For fun, here is a comparison of the three kids at three months.