Monday, October 20, 2014

Jane is 2

 Jane had her two year old check up on Thursday. She did really well, though not much talking and she refused to open her mouth for the doctor. She weighs 25.6 pounds and is 35 inches tall. I don't remember the specific percentiles but both were about average. 

Jane at two is so much fun and it is great seeing more of her personality come out. Some of the play she enjoys the most certainly show she is a girl, she really enjoys coloring and playing with her babies. But with an older brother she still likes to play with cars and trucks. She enjoys playing with Micah too. It is fun to start to see them playing together in their own pretend play or just chasing each other around laughing. We get a little moment of snuggling in the morning before Jane will ask for breakfast. She likes to eat almost as soon as she wakes up, which typically around 6:30. She will also take a nap at 1:00 for two to two and half hours and then bedtime is between 7:00 and 7:30. Jane is still just attached to her blanket as she has been. When she is tired she will hold it up to her face covering her mouth and nose. She likes to be involved in most everything I'm doing, as well as what Micah is doing and she does not like to be left behind. What fun she is and I can't wait to see her as a big sister.

Certainly love this girl.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

34 Weeks

Week 34 and I am definitely feeling pregnant now. Everything is much harder to do. My energy level is decreasing too,  mainly because it takes so much energy to accomplish anything. Nesting has certainly begun, I've been anxious to get all the baby things ready and making a variety of things for the baby. As well as preparing the house and completing projects before the arrival. At my doctor's appointment I was measuring at 35cm and have gained about 24 pounds. The baby was doing well, he was moving around so his heart rate was at 155. I will go back in two weeks and then will be in every week. We are nearing the end, which is so crazy.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Micah is 4

First can I be permitted to be shocked at how quickly each year goes by and that I now have a four year old! That can't really be can it!? Well it is and Micah is fun at four. The stories we get from him are hilarious but the best part about them is is how animated he gets.


How old are you?..... four

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite toy? gator

What is your favorite fruit?....grapes

What is your favorite this to eat for lunch?....mac and cheese

What is your favorite thing to wear? pants and carhartts

 What is your favorite game?....boat game

What is your favorite animal?....alligator

What is your favorite song?....he made up a song that went something like this "oh oh oh I like lions"

What is your favorite book?....horton

What is your favorite snack?

What is your favorite thing to do outside?....ride my big gator

What is your favorite thing to drink? juice

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?....honey nut cheerios

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?....go on a trip

What is your favorite thing to do with Papa?....climb a mountain

What is your favorite thing to do with Jane? castles

Who is your best friend?....

What do you liek to take to bed with you at night?....nothing

What do you want for dinner on your birthday?....meat and cheese and crackers and a little bit of candy

What do you want to do for work?....put away wood

What do you want to be when you grow up?....a worker and a cowboy and a horse rider