Saturday, June 28, 2014

18 weeks

Here I am at 18 weeks, now that I'm actually 19 weeks along (but I'm probably one of the few counting). My energy has finally returned! I still do get tired and have my days where there is not much in me. But at least I don't feel like I am about to fall asleep at any point. It is quite nice to be able to feel like I can accomplish more in the day, or at least try to accomplish more.The baby is growing and so is my belly, I can only wear maternity pants now and can only wear a few of my regular shirts. We found out at my last doctor's appointment that we are having a BOY!! Micah is excited but also not surprised he has been saying it is a boy all long and that his name is Denny. I'm not sure where that came from, we know no one named Denny. Jane points to my belly when we talk about baby but who knows how much she actually understands. We are excited to know what we are having and that he is growing well. Now we have the challenge of deciding on a name.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Parenting always brings new experiences. With Micah right now it is imaginary friends. He has three, Hosty, Cement-mixy, and Sawy. They don't occupy much of his time and play. Typically it is during prayer he wants to pray for them because lately they have been sick. Occasionally he will mention them in conversation. Imaginary friends is definitely something I haven't had experience with during my years of working with kids. What I've been doing is neither encouraging nor discouraging them. I figure it is one of those cute little things I will look back at with a smile. Micah is such a sweet boy and it is so fun watching him grow and seeing his personality come out more.