Friday, November 15, 2013

Blanket Love

I am not sure when Jane's attachment with her blanket began nor why, but she carries it around everywhere like Linus from Charlie Brown. Since she was a baby I would tuck her in with a blanket but not the one she loves now. She found these ones on her own and won't let go. Thankfully I do have two that are the same material and she likes them equally so I can get them washed. I am partly tempted to buy another to be on the safe side. When she is tired or in need of comfort she grabs the blanket and pulls it up to her face. As a baby it made me a bit nervous that she was covering her mouth and nose (I quickly got over that). It is nice that she developed an object as a sleep cue because I can just lay her down with one of the blankets and she is ready to sleep. I wonder when the attachment will fade, right now it looks like it is staying for quite some time.