Sunday, March 24, 2013

First food

On thursday we gave Jane her first bite of food. We started with rice cereal, like usual. She seemed to like it. I mix up a tablespoon of food, and now a few days later she is eating it all. Time for her next food, which will be bananas, avocado or sweet potato. I haven't decided which to do. We did bananas with Micah but that caused him to get stopped up. So I am hesitant to go to bananas next with Jane. Can't believe we are at this point already. She is growing up quick!

3-21 Jane's first food from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Silly Boy

I'm not sure when this started nor why and I usually don't see when it happens. But frequently at some point in the morning Micah will pull off one of his socks. Kids and especially toddlers will do the funniest things. This is definitely one of those things.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

5 Months

Sunday my baby girl turned 5 months old. She is such a joy to us. We are getting more laughs, which is so much fun. Jane is a pro at rolling tummy to back and back to tummy. She is also sitting quite well. I still need to be near her as she will lose her balance occasionally. I am constantly pulling her legs down when changing her diaper because she keeps putting her feet in her mouth. Toes in the mouth I think is such a cute phase. She also seems to have discovered her tongue because she has it sticking out most of the time. Which of course increase the drool.

We had a check-up on Monday and Jane is at 14lbs 14oz (44%), 26.25in (89%) long and her head is 17.25in (97%). Our girl is growing. She is fond of toys, especially Sophie the giraffe, a ring of keys, and toys that crinkle. Jane likes to talk, she will talk the most when she is happy and she has very high pitched squeals. Her cry can be high pitched as well, to the point that it hurts your ears. We are still nursing five times a day and she continues to take three naps a day. It is great that the weather is getting nicer, we have gone out on a few walks and she seems to enjoy being outside. Although it also seems that she doesn't really know what to make of it. So in love with this girl and amazed at her growth.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The other night we were sitting around as a family Micah doing his typical craziness. Then all of a sudden Jane laughed! We encouraged Micah to do what he was doing again, he gladly obliged. Sure enough Jane smiled and laughed more. We caught a little of it on video. You will notice I have a lovely hat on too.
3-2 J laughing at M from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A List

The other day Micah asked The Farmer to make a list. He gathered paper and a pen and then Micah proceeded to tell him things to write down. Here is the list, it is so funny to see what goes through his mind.

Panda bear
Lets see
That one
Rabbit hops
God is awesome
1, 2, 3
Nana and Opa