Thursday, December 20, 2012

Two Month

:: sorry this is so late, totally thought I had posted it already::

 Well what do you know a month has gone. Jane is now two months old!!

I don't know accurate physical stats on her, her doctors appointment isn't until the end of the month. But weighing her here she is about 12.5 pounds. Which explains why some of her size 3 month shirts are getting small. We are blessed by another very happy baby. She only cries when she is hungry, has a bubble or is tired. There are fluke times when she fusses a bit more but that is very atypical. Jane is doing amazing at holding up her head during tummy time! Her PT will be proud. ;) She really connects with people when you are talking with her and she smiles very easily at all of us. Tracking objects is coming along as well, she will follow toys and us (especially Micah) as we move around her. She is also blowing bubbles some and seems to like to suck on her hands. We also comment on how much she looks like Micah did as a baby. So I am thinking there will be quite a sibling resemblance as these two grow.

Days are very full for me. Not much time for anything else but taking care of the kids. But I have worked out a schedule that I will be implementing soon and hopefully that will allow me to accomplish more and blog more.