Friday, November 27, 2015

12 months

Ethan is one!! The first year always goes so quick and that is no different with Ethan, in fact it seems to have flown by even faster. He is such a fun boy. Ethan chatters quite a bit but nothing I have been able to distinguish as "words" yet. But he is learning how to sign and can sign more and all done. Ethan enjoys interacting with people and is ready to give a smile to whoever is talking with him. He is crawling and cruising, and he will walk around the house with a push toy. He also likes to crawl around with a truck in his hand, something his brother did too. Ethan is learning how to feed himself more. There are still a variety of textures and flavors he is not fond of, so he is still eating some purees. We just had a check up and Ethan weighs 19 lbs. 2 oz., and 30 inches tall. This first year with Ethan has been amazing and so wonderful to watch him grow.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing Ethan (and Micah & Jane) when you can stop by at Nana & Papa G's house. It's so much fun to see him crawling, smiling and engaging with me. I cannot believe he's 1 already!

    Much love, Aunt Joan
