Thursday, November 11, 2010

Am I?

I look at this boy and I wonder, who will Micah be in twenty-five, thirty, forty years because of who I am now?

Do I spend my time focusing on His Words or my concerns and worries?

Do I meditate and memorize His Word?

Am I leading a life worthy of being entrusted with guiding another person through the journey here on this earth?

Am I doing all that I can to raise this boy in the ways of our Father and be devoted to Him? I think not.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 2:18
Do I get the right things done in a day? Am I focusing on the collecting dust, the laundry waiting to be fold, the dishes in the sink or the unseen, eternal things?

For some reason God has granted us His child and He will guide us in raising him. Micah came from God, and it is our responsibility to lead him back to His presence. All I can do is seek His face and trust Him to provide us with the wisdom when we need it. I also realize only the Spirit of God can truly shape Micah into a whole and holy person. Though we will instruct and admonish, it is not our parenting that completes this work.

As I stumble through this life and through this thing called motherhood I pray God will give me the strength and discernment to teach Micah.

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