Wednesday, September 8, 2010

39 Weeks

39 weeks and a few days now.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.....whenever you would like to come baby boy.

The weight gain has now reached a new level, 30 pounds. I officially weigh more then C. At least I'll be on the quickest weight loss plan soon. At my doctor's appointment this week I was measuring at 39cm. I was 1.5cm dilated, 75% effaced and the baby is moving down into the pelvis. So the dilation isn't moving along yet. But I'm okay with that. You could sit at 3cm for days or even weeks. Or you could go from 6cm to 9cm within 30 minutes. I am getting contractions, nothing regular or too strong yet.

The week the baby's heart rate was low we had additional monitoring and testing. Everything came back great. So the doctor no longer saw the need for extra monitoring. Since then the baby's heart rate has continued to do well. Yay!

For curious minds......M

I will say no more.


  1. I was thinking something with an M!

  2. Matthew right?! Great Biblical name.....

    I've enjoyed all your postings Meagan. I'm looking forward to meeting the little guy. Much love to you and Caleb. Aunt Joan

  3. I told Taylor you were naming your baby something that started with a "M" and she says, "is it Megatron?" Hahaha! You look great, any day now!
