Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Reason

Well here it is, the blog I always said I would someday start. That someday meant when we had children because honestly they are way more interesting to write about. So with our first child on the way (weird) the blog begins. I still don't believe it. My middle section might be growing but it has not sunk in yet that it is because of a baby not all the extra food I've been eating. Yes, I have been eating and eating and eating. I am hungry ALL the time. And it is stomach growling hungry. But at the same time I don't feel like I can just stuff myself all at one time. So it is lots of little meals throughout the day. Anyways back to what is interesting, here is the reason for starting this.

Our little peanut at 6 weeks 4 days. It was amazing, I got to see the heart beat!

Me at 14 weeks. Yes that is a baby. Now, until we have a name, what should we call the baby? White, brown, fried, or maybe wild....?


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