Friday, September 25, 2015

10 Months

Why am I surprised every month that another month as past? But I am surprised yet again that Ethan is now 10 months old. Ethan is now crawling hands and knees all the time. He stands holding on to something, not attempts to stand on his own yet. But he is very good at getting from floor to sitting to standing and back down. Ethan still doesn't have any teeth, which is falling right in line with his siblings. We have begun some finger foods, so now meal time has become even messier. Ethan has also become more chatty especially at meal times. It is quite funny because he will be quite and then out of no where make loud noises. He will also try to talk when he hears Jane and Micah playing and talking together. He is still the most interested in independent play. He seems to go in phase where he is intensely interested in one toy, one he will carry around with him everywhere, right now that is an old phone. Comical that it isn't technically a toy. Ethan also really enjoys playing peek-a-boo it is so cute seeing him put a cloth over his face and the huge smile when he pulls to down. He is still a thumb sucker and we try to limit it to just sleeping. But him being a thumb sucker also seems to allow me more opportunities to have snuggles. Ethan will suck his thumb and lay his head on my chest and stay there for awhile, I of course let him and soak it in. Baby snuggles do not last long enough.

All the kids at 10 months

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Micah is 5

How old are you?....5

What is you favorite color?

What is your favorite toy? new tool box

What is your favorite fruit?...grapes

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?....pickle samwich (which is a meat and cheese sandwich)

What is your favorite thing to wear?....this shirt, these socks and these pants

What is your favorite thing to wear?...tag

What is your favorite animal?....roar with a mane, it's a papa lion

What is your favorite song? new CD

What is your favorite book?....the one from you and papa for my birthday

What is your favorite snack?....fruit snacks

What is your favorite thing to do outside?

What is your favorite thing to drink?....water

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?....strawberry cereal

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?....make a craft

What is your favorite thing to do with Papa? him on the tractor except I really can't get on it

What is your favorite thing to do with Jane?

What is your favorite thing to do with Ethan? with him

Who is your best friend?....Ben and Emily

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? vegetable

What do you want for dinner on your birthday?....mac and cheese

What do you want to do for work? Papa build a bed

What do you want to be when you grow up?....a photographer