Friday, August 31, 2012

Cute Words

With Micah learning to talk there are times I have no idea what he is saying. But there are also a lot of words that just make me smile the way he says them. One favorite is outside, he says it more like "owtide".

Another cute one is sing (I sing to him before nap and bedtime) he will point to my mouth and say "Mama ting" and just keeps saying over and over. Though we are just entering into this phase of learning to talk these cute words are already starting to fade away. The other day he correctly said sing, it made me stop for a moment, I was happy he said it correct yet sad to think that "ting" might no longer be apart of his vocabulary. But then he said it again "Mama ting", and in away I breathed a sigh of relief.

A third word that is really cute is the way he says his name. Better then describing how he says it here is a video of him saying it.
8-4 Micah8 from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

Friday, August 17, 2012

33 Weeks


The weeks just keep going by. I am definitely not ready for this little lady to come yet. So hopefully she will take her time. Now come week 39 and 40 I will probably regret saying that. Last week I had a doctors appointment (I now go in every two weeks). Things still look good, I've gained about 26 pounds now. I measured at 33cm, at that point I was about 32 and half weeks. So I am no longer measuring two weeks bigger. Yay! I was hoping the growing was going to slow down. The baby's heart rate was about 130 so still within the acceptable range but on the lower side. Micah's heart rate was also on the lower end.

I am starting to get more Braxton Hicks contractions some more uncomfortable then others. She also seems to be pushing down more. We are getting closer. But again so not ready for her to be here. I'm not ready emotionally, physically, or even practically. I still have a number for baby things to get ready and a few other to-dos I want to get done before she is here. I'm also not ready with Micah, there are still aspects of his behavior I want to improve before she arrives, knowing his behavior will likely regress a bit once she is here. I'm also not ready to divide my time with him. And I'm just plain not ready for two kids. But I trust God's timing for when she does arrive. So even if I don't have everything on my list checked off it will be okay and everything will work out.

Comparison pictures: Micah 32 weeks, now 33 weeks and Micah 34 weeks.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Zoo Trip


Last week we were able to take Micah to the zoo for the first time. So much fun!!! My parents and sister meet us there as well. We arrived at the zoo about ten minutes before it opened, perfect time to go. The temperatures were still low enough that the animals were moving around and the crowds weren't bad.

First stop was the bears. They were really interesting to Micah because they were not only moving around but they were close to the viewing area.

This one just cracked us up the way he was sitting.

I think in this picture Micah is say "arrrhh" like a bear

There was also a small petting area. We just interacted with the goats. When you talk about it now with Micah he makes a petting motion and says nice. Now hopefully he will get the idea of nice and gentle with his sister too.

After looking at a few animals we headed over to get on the first train ride for the day. Micah had a great time
All aboard!

Waiting at the rose garden for the train to leave again.

Goofing around with Nana and Opa.

Last stop was the elephants, or as Micah says "eletant". Packy was inside eating and Micah was quite amazed. He continues to talk about the elephants and says "huge". While we were there he also commented that the elephant was dirty and it needed to be wiped.

Such a fun trip! I'm glad we got to take Micah and hopefully it won't be too long before we get to go again.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Photo Shoot

Typical of my blogging style I'm getting this post up a couple weeks late. Back in July a pretty big company came here to scout out a location for their winter catalog. The place here wasn't exactly what they were looking for but the cruiser caught their eye. So the cruiser got "rented" for the day about a week later.

The Farmer and I drove the cruiser to the shoot location, it was Trout Lake area up in Washington. The house was so cool! It was an old farm house. The porch is amazing and has a great view across a field with Mt. Hood in the background.

Even though it was July it was a winter shoot. So they had a snow team to make it look like winter. Most of what is on the ground covering the grass is just cotton batting.

 It was really interesting to see a fashion photo shoot from behind the seasons. Their was quite a large crew for just two models and a few wardrobe changes.

  Here is the cruiser all dressed up for its moment in the spot light. :)

The photographers grew cracked us up. There was three of them in addition to the photographer. Two of the them just held up umbrellas or other sorts of sun screens.

It was a fun experience and The Farmer has already purchased the rest of the paint needed to finish up the cruiser. (We could potentially get hired for another shoot with the cruiser). The catalog should be coming out in October and I will be looking to see if any of the cruiser pictures made the cut and if they did if you can even tell it was our cruiser the model was by. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Language Development

My little boy is growing up. He is growing in so many ways. But this is note a particular important change and growth. In the last week or so Micah has started to put two words together. It is beginning with simple combinations like "light on", "light off" or "drink please". It is so fun and amazing to see his language develop.