Saturday, July 28, 2012

30 Weeks

Eeek can I really be at 30 weeks already!?! It seems to be going by quick. Which is a bit overwhelming since I still have so much I want and need to get done before this little lady arrives. The biggest thing to get ready is the room. I know she will be with us in our room for awhile but I still would like to have it all ready before she comes. Because honestly with a toddler, a newborn, and severely sleep deprived I am not going to have time or energy to finish making anything.

I am still enjoying being pregnant. I am blessed that my pregnancies are relatively easy (so far). This time around I am getting some veracious veins and spider veins mainly in my left leg. Thankfully they haven't been too painfu.

This girl does like to move. She is more active then Micah was and she has definitely found my organs, particularly my bladder sooner then Micah. As she gets bigger and her space gets more cramped if she keeps up this amount of movement I am going to be quite uncomfortable and never far from a bathroom. :)

I had a doctor appointment earlier this week. Things still looking good. My blood pressure is still great. Baby's heart rate was 135 which is good. And the biggest news of all I've gained about 24 pounds, yikes! Last time at 29 weeks I had gained 20 pounds.

Here is the comparison.
Micah at 29 weeks. Now at 30 weeks. Micah at 32 weeks.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tree Down

About a month ago we spent the weekend at my parents house. We were there to visit and for The farmer to cut down an overbearing maple tree. He started working on it Friday afternoon and finished that evening with the help of my Dad and Greg. It made quite an impression on Micah. When he and I were at my parents a week ago he talked about it at least once day. It still comes up from time to time. Though Micah talks about it in one word thoughts. It usually starts out with "tree", "Papa high", we fill in the story as he says the words, so we say "yes Papa was high in the tree". Then Micah says "saw", quickly followed by "loud" as he covers his ears. We finish the story by saying the tree went crash. I wonder how long this will stay in his memory and what the next event will be that will take its place.

 It's down. :)

 This is how Micah watched. He really does not like loud noises.

And just because I'm ending this post with a cute picture of my boy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Catching Up

I've been in Portland for a while and seem to have fallen behind on blogging. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with this when the little lady arrives. But I'm going to try.

For now here is a catch up on the last few weeks.

We celebrated 4th of July here. Micah got to experience the parade and fireworks. The parade is like any good small town parade, full of every emergency vehicle in the area, horses, and anyone who has an old car. We sent of fireworks in the afternoon, a few of them would have been better at night but for the most part it was just as enjoyable if not more since we didn't have to stay up and be cold.

 Waving at the trucks.

The trucks were loud with their horns.

Clapping as a band marched by.

 Micah had fun with the sparklers, the extra long ones are nice because the handle is also extra long.

 Micah was quite mesmerized by the fireworks.

Some of the fireworks were also a bit loud.

Micah's cousin Benjamin's birthday is on the 4th but we celebrated it the next day.

These two are just a couple months and I know as the grow they are going to have a lot of fun tomorrow and get into a lot of mischief.

Micah and I spent a little over a week in Tigard with my family. I was able to get most of what I need for the kids room. And Micah enjoyed spending most of the days outside since the weather was so nice. We also got to visit a few friends and see family.

Micah discovered the blueberry bush. Haha he ate a lot of blueberries.

Playing with Nana in the pool

We went to Ibach park and it was great for his age. Other then being a little hot it was great fun.

Well that gets us caught up a bit. Still need to get a pregnancy post up soon.