Micah has been grabbing his feet for awhile now. He has been trying to get them to his mouth, tugging and pulling (even a few grunts). About four days ago he was successful. Now he does it so easily it is like he has been doing it for weeks. He is able to get his feet to his mouth better without pants. So these days he doesn't often wear them, I just keep him by the fire to ensure he stays warm. The feet are now great fun and and an always accessible toy. As soon as I lay him down he pulls up his legs, grabs his feet and pulls them straight to his mouth.
In the video you see C helping him. We don't have to do that, we just did for the video because naturally when we were trying to get it on film Micah was more interested in his hands
C just got back from a leadership training course with the national guard. As part of it he went through op sec (operational security). Even though he is not active he is still part of the military and one day could be activated. He told me I should not use his name here. So from now on he will just be referred to as C, unless I come up with a name for him like Pioneer Woman does for Marlboro Man, her husband. I also would ask in comments you please refer to him as C other wise I will have to remove the comment. Thank you!
Here is the next batch. There are a few days I need some help eliminating some.
Day 86...one of these needs to go, I'm having a hard time deciding between the two that are farther away. The one where he is not looking at the camera seems like the logical one, but it does capture how he is sometimes. Day 87 Day 88 Day 89Day90Day 91Day 92Day 93Day 94 Day 95...four is too many Day 96...again four too many Day97 Day 98 Day 99...one should go Day 100